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love anime

bird on skateboard

From: OfficerJenny at 2020-09-07 11:29:08
U watch any good ‘mes lately tiko

i’ve been way behind on my ‘me watching
slowly working my way through Hametsu Flag
i read the manga and enjoyed it, seems like the adaption is very solid so far

also re-watching minami-ke off and on which i love

how bout u

bird on skateboard

osomatsu-san 3 is great so far
gonna watch higurashi of course
read a lot of the maoujo de oyasumi (sleeping princess or w/e in english) and loved it so might peep the anime as well
haven’t fucked with key since angel beats but kamisama looks interesting and cute

bird on skateboard

watching higurashi
it’s good

bird on skateboard

From: Dauros the Deity at 2021-02-19 18:07:21
we finished rayearth and tetsujin

group dropped higurashi because we got tired of the inane slice of life halves (thanks vns)

fuckdd up if true

bird on skateboard

new one or the old one?

i’d ragequit the group if they did that to me

bird on skateboard

From: Dauros the Deity at 2021-02-21 22:36:21
i didnt even know there were multiple

new one


we were in the middle of the child abuse arc and none of us were feeling it


ah i see
that’s a part of the old one too

either way you probably made the right choice. the new one doesn’t really make any sense if you haven’t seen the old one. i thought it was a remake but it’s more like a sequel

bird on skateboard

my current ‘me watching list:

  • higurashi
  • kamisama ni natta hi
  • osomatsu-san 3
bird on skateboard

yeah i had a never drop anything mentality in the past but now i can barely be assed to watch stuff at all

bird on skateboard

oh yeah i gotta watch maoujo de oyasumi
i saw a couple eps and they did a great job adapting the manga
same w/ destruction flags

bird on skateboard

From: OfficerJenny at 2021-02-23 19:29:46
sleepy hime owned and it is me irl

hell yeah
i love the manga

bird on skateboard

god the new higurashi was good
literally cried ep 23

bird on skateboard

watching kamisama ni natta hi it kind of owns

bird on skateboard

lol im about to get there but im getting major KEY vibes and have a feeling the ending will be just as i predicted on ep 1
lets see

bird on skateboard

i love anime

bird on skateboard

i finished kami-sama ni natta hi and i definitely understand what you were saying about the last 3 episodes lmao
jesus christ key

i didn’t hate it but it’s kind of a shame because the rest of it was SO good, like legit some of the best pacing i’ve ever seen in a show, the comedy portions were awesome, and the drama parts were tasteful.. until the end which i feel went a lil too far.

luckily the ending wasn’t exactly as i predicted so that’s good. honestly they could have had a 1010 show if they had tried :/

bird on skateboard

shadow house is AMAZING
holy shit
one of the best shows i’ve seen in ages and only 3 episodes in

bird on skateboard

the zone admin picks the emojis. i added a bunch

bird on skateboard

i couldn’t deal with waiting for shadows house so i read all the manga xD
good stuff also they are doing a great job adapting it
glad u enjoy it

bird on skateboard

do it

bird on skateboard

From: Dauros-Kun~ at 2021-06-16 03:37:50
changed my profile am i kawaii


bird on skateboard

From: King Bill at 2021-06-15 22:52:24
Hi guys :3


bird on skateboard

i love anime

bird on skateboard

hell yeah

bird on skateboard

recently i watched Gunbuster for the first time going in blind. it owned

bird on skateboard

i loved it but i haven’t seen Eva yet so i cannot compare

bird on skateboard

i actually looked up the last ep to see if it was a budget reason and apparently it was the most expensive episode to produce and


they made it black & white to make it easier to draw the giant bomb thing against space or some shit idk
there’s a lot of anachronistic shit like tape readouts in it so i think they were going for a bit of a faux retro vibe as well


bird on skateboard

i will watch Eva someday…..

bird on skateboard

From: Requiett at 2021-08-06 19:23:08
Oh weird. Evangelion and Kare Kano were infamous for Anno running out of budget and getting very… “creative” with the episode direction. I assumed that was the same thing that happened with Gunbuster.

me too honestly i was like what the FUCK when i saw it

bird on skateboard

From: OfficerJenny at 2021-08-06 19:23:56

From: Requiett at 2021-08-06 19:19:16

From: Tiko at 2021-08-06 19:07:18
recently i watched Gunbuster for the first time going in blind. it owned

It’s pretty good, though I was oddly underwhelmed by it. The flagship was by far my favorite thing about that OVA. The lack of a good explanation for why they made emotionally fragile teens pilot the mechs pissed me off, esp since it was such a major point to the series. At least Evangelion explained this.

the boys in the SAT hyped gunbuster up so much i was massively disappointed by the time they forced me to watch it

luckily i had zero hype

bird on skateboard

From: Requiett at 2021-08-06 19:29:13
My friend brought over the first few VHS’s because we were anime bros. I looked at the box and pronounced it like Robin Williams. “Neon Genesis Evanjelion.”


bird on skateboard

thank u for the tips 🙏

bird on skateboard

i watched Gunbuster on nico nico douga so it was like having commentary track turned on
helped me understand all the parodies and shit it was fun
prob wouldnt watch eva like that tho

bird on skateboard

damn i didnt know netflix like redid it or w/e

bird on skateboard


bird on skateboard

ive always wondered why doesnt netflix just fucking fund haruhi 3 or any of those other sequels people have been wanting forever

im sure theres some bs reasons but idk

bird on skateboard

hmm what animes should i watch next. i will save Eva for later

bird on skateboard

i should probably update my Anime List but i havent touched that shit in like 10 yrs

bird on skateboard


bird on skateboard

i have but not the movies. totally forgot about them. watched it on-air back in the day

bird on skateboard

love it btw

bird on skateboard

oh damn, really? i’ll keep that in mind

bird on skateboard

ty 4 rexx

bird on skateboard

i’d liek to like post reviews or watch logs or something here b/c it’s public and surprisingly googleable but effort u know

bird on skateboard

think anime is dead?

bird on skateboard


thanks google

bird on skateboard

might watch an anime

bird on skateboard

yeah i never considered that but it makes sense

bird on skateboard

both good threads

bird on skateboard

pale snake xd

bird on skateboard
bird on skateboard

been watching spy family its good

bird on skateboard
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