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I’ve heard of anime

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From: Pook Cat at 2021-03-26 22:43:57
anime girl nodding.gif


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From: Pook Cat at 2021-06-12 04:49:08
tiko u were absolutely right about shadows house it owns

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I’m watching the anime right now.

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From: Tiko at 2021-08-06 19:07:18
recently i watched Gunbuster for the first time going in blind. it owned

It’s pretty good, though I was oddly underwhelmed by it. The flagship was by far my favorite thing about that OVA. The lack of a good explanation for why they made emotionally fragile teens pilot the mechs pissed me off, esp since it was such a major point to the series. At least Evangelion explained this.

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Also the last ep was classic Anno blew the budget again, but I expected that.

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From: Tiko at 2021-08-06 19:20:21
i loved it but i haven’t seen Eva yet so i cannot compare

What the FUCK

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Oh weird. Evangelion and Kare Kano were infamous for Anno running out of budget and getting very… “creative” with the episode direction. I assumed that was the same thing that happened with Gunbuster.

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Nadia The Secret of Blue Water though had a 1010 ending by Anno.

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The eyecatch was really good though. GUN BUSTERRRR

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From: OfficerJenny at 2021-08-06 19:24:19

From: Requiett at 2021-08-06 19:20:17
Also the last ep was classic Anno blew the budget again, but I expected that.

no see its art

its totally not a blown budget


I miss him.

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I didn’t really set any expectations for it and I still didn’t think it was that great. I liked it, but it wasn’t some legendary show or anything to me.

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I saw Evangelion when I was an emo ass high schooler in 1996 - 97. It owned.

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My friend brought over the first few VHS’s because we were anime bros. I looked at the box and pronounced it like Robin Williams. “Neon Genesis Evanjelion.”

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Death Note was good for like the first 13 and then it went way downhill.

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That probably actually is the proper English pronunciation and Anno was just an ESL dork.

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Tiko, if you watch EVA, I would highly recommend the Platinum DVD set (or a rip of it). Avoid the Netflix version.

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I saw the JP blu-ray rips too and those were good. I think the version I had used the subs imported from the Plats.

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I’m not usually a dub guy, but I went back and compared the 90s ADV dub vs. Netflix’s new dub of Evangelion and the ADV one was WAY better. Netflix’s voices were so damn lifeless.

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Yeah Netflix also changed up the translations and even made em worse in some places.

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On the other hand, I will give them credit for FINALLY localizing Saint Seiya, and they did a decent job of subbing it.

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OJ and I both switched to AniList years ago after MAL’s server went down for months.

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Don’t tell me you also haven’t seen Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica

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Series is overall better than the movies IMO, though the movies do have some cool re-vamped scenes. I’m very mixed on Rebellion though. Hated the ending.

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In terms of newer shows, I’d recommend Vinland Saga. I’ve only given perfect scores to about a dozen shows out of my 1300+ watches, and that was one of em.

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Odd Taxi is also the best show so far of 2021 IMO. Pretty dang close to perfect.

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From: OfficerJenny at 2021-08-06 20:01:53

From: Requiett at 2021-08-06 19:47:45
Series is overall better than the movies IMO, though the movies do have some cool re-vamped scenes. I’m very mixed on Rebellion though. Hated the ending.

original theater audio insane homura owned and made the movie 10 times better

I saw Rebellion in theaters, and the audio of the girls chasing each other around at the start in surround sound was insane to hear.

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Pook drops every anime lmao

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The OJ way™

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Flash isn’t a sequel, it’s a reboot.

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Didn’t they reboot Nuku Nuku like 3 times over 10 years lmao

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It got worse every time too.

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From: Pook Cat at 2022-10-10 21:16:01
i think u can stream anime on one of those pirate sites like 8anime or 9anime i can’t remember lmao

idk about manga but wouldn’t smol manga be kinda annoying having to drag like 4x per page

Crunchy’s not the best but their manga plan has some neat gimmick where it snaps into a frame and zooms in and you can easily jump from one to the next and makes it easy to read on a phone.

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From: Dauros-Kun~ at 2023-01-28 02:57:34

Slayers Try 25


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