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From: OfficerJenny at 2021-08-06 19:23:56

From: Requiett at 2021-08-06 19:19:16

From: Tiko at 2021-08-06 19:07:18
recently i watched Gunbuster for the first time going in blind. it owned

It’s pretty good, though I was oddly underwhelmed by it. The flagship was by far my favorite thing about that OVA. The lack of a good explanation for why they made emotionally fragile teens pilot the mechs pissed me off, esp since it was such a major point to the series. At least Evangelion explained this.

the boys in the SAT hyped gunbuster up so much i was massively disappointed by the time they forced me to watch it

luckily i had zero hype

bird on skateboard
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