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Where do I start watching Fate\stay?


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From: Tiko at 2023-01-19 22:37:46
according to le reddit:

  • Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works [2014] [Season 1 and Season 2].

What the fuck lol

私 繰り返す

If you go by the proper order, it should be

Fate/stay Night (2006)
Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
Fate/stay night: Heaven’s Feel 1-3

Fate/Zero can be anytime after the 2006 anime.

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For some reason, people really seem to hate the 2006 Deen adaptation of the “Fate” arc, but it’s kind of the essential introduction to many of the Nasu-verse concepts and I don’t think it was as bad as people said. I recently re-watched it in the last year.

私 繰り返す

I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong in starting with Fate/Zero either. It just comes down to a narrative order. You might come across a few terms that don’t make sense like “The Root” and the concept of Mage crests, etc because later shows are adapted under the assumption that people are already familiar with the source material. Purists will probably even tell you to read the VN first. I know people who became fans out of the 2006 anime, and who became fans out of Fate/Zero, and UBW, so there’s nothing incorrect about starting at a point that looks interesting to you if it gets you to learn more about the Fate world.

私 繰り返す

This stems from the way the original VN is structured. Fate/stay Night is 3 different arcs across 3 different timelines. The idea was that you play an introductory arc (Fate) and then as you replay the VN, the events change to reveal a lot more about the story (UBW, and then Heaven’s Feel).

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